Applied Behavior Therapy (ABA Therapy) is an evidence-based intervention for children with Autism Spectrum Disorder. ABA is the use of various techniques and principles to bring about meaningful and positive change in behavior and skills of individuals such as communication, social, academic, and behavior difficulties (non-compliance, temper tantrums, self-injury behaviors, destructive behaviors, injury to others, etc.) It is the most commonly used intervention in individuals with Autism.
Occupational therapists address the fine motor development, visual motor integration, and sensory integration in order to maximize a child’s ability to function in their everyday life. They also help a child perform self-help skills.
A physical therapist develops a child’s general gross motor skills and strengthen specific muscle groups so that he/she can safely navigate the environment. Therapy may focus on improving balance skills, overall body coordination, motor planning, and quality of movement. A physical therapist may also assist in making recommendations for adaptive equipment.
Speech and language pathologists specialize in meeting the communication needs of children. They help children who have language delays, oral motor concerns, or difficulties with pronunciation. Therapists also address swallowing and chewing difficulties as related to feeding.
Consultation provided to improve an individual's intake of nutritious foods so to promote health and well-being.
Feeding Therapy is generally provided by a trained occupational therapist to assist individuals in being able to eat different types of food and increase food intake by mouth due to various reasons such as low motor control of mouth, oral motor apraxia, decreased oral motor muscle tone and strength and sensory processing disorders.